Fresh Living Spirulina is a powerful functional superfood shown in scientific research to provide natural living nutrients that are far easier to digest and assimilate that those found in most supplements.
Natural Living Organic Nutrients Unprocessed with Extremely High Bioavailability
Fresh Living Spirulina — Better than Supplements
Fresh Living Spirulina — Better than Supplements
Fresh living Spirulina is a pure living functional superfood — not a supplement — with the highest concentration of natural living & bioavailable antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals available.
The scientific community has recently focused on the commercial vitamin and mineral supplement sector — they concluded that 99% of the benefits from taking supplements are to the profits of the companies selling them.
The Problem with Inorganic Nutrients
The Problem with Inorganic Nutrients
Humans rely on plants and animals to transform dead (inorganic) nutrients into living (organic) nutrients that our body can absorb and utilize.
Our bodies are not well equipped to absorb or convert inorganic nutrients.
Vitamins and minerals and other nutrients provided in most supplements are inorganic and often chemically synthesized, requiring the addition of stabilizers and preservatives to achieve extended shelf life.
Complete Nutrition with Living Organic Nutrients
Complete Nutrition with Living Organic Nutrients
We are designed to achieve complete and balanced nutrition by eating a wide variety of healthy living foods, but this isn't always easy.
Fresh living Spirulina is packed with almost every nutrient that your body needs to thrive — already converted into organic nutrients that are quickly absorbed and assimilated.
A daily portion of living Spirulina can help you achieve and maintain a complete and healthy diet — even when you can't eat 3 healthy meals a day.
What Scientific Research Tells Us
Scientific research shows how Spirulina can help us boost our nutrition without resorting to chemically synthesized supplements that are often laced with preservatives and stabilizers:
Organic nutrients from plants are locked inside hard cell walls made of cellulose — the material that makes wood strong and hard. Living Spirulina cells are soft and dissolve almost instantly when eaten —making it much easier for us to digest and absorb.
The best foods contain a wide range of organic nutrients that complement each other. Most supplements contain only one or a few nutrients. Living Spirulina contains almost all the nutrients your body needs to thrive — naturally.
Nutrients in most supplements are synthesised or extracted using complex processes, creating unstable molecules that require stabilizers, preservatives & coatings to preserve them. Living Spirulina is clean and pure with no additives, chemicals or preservatives.
Spirulina contains a unique powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protein called phycocyanin that protects your health, as well as 10x more Chlorophyll than wheat-grass, and Zeaxanthin that protects your eyes and skin.
Iron is one of the Most Important Minerals
One-third of all humans and 40% of young children and women suffer from iron deficiency which causes a host of serious and debilitating symptoms and conditions.
Iron Bioavailability
Most Iron supplements are only 5 to 10% bioavailable. That means 90% exits the body into the sewers.
Fresh living Spirulina is rich in organic Iron, of which around 90% is quickly absorbed and used by the body.
Ultra Runner Amanda Basham Reverses 10 Years of Low Blood Iron
Females tend to have a hard time with iron.
I’ve been running for ten years and had that problem for the entire ten years.
I started taking fresh Spirulina two weeks before the Western State 100 mile endurance run.
I had my blood tested the day after Western State and 5 days after Western State and my ferritin levels had doubled.
I’m crediting it totally to Fresh Spirulina because I’ve tried a million things and it just never happened.
Ultra Runner Amanda Basham has tried everything over the past decade to increase the amount of iron in her blood supply to no avail.
When she started taking fresh Spirulina things immediately began to change and her ferritin count doubled.
With this new supply of nutrients and iron fueling her season, she looks forward to stronger race performances.
Credit: SP2 Fresh Frozen Spirulina