Independent research confirms that daily spirulina supplementation can significantly reduce body weight, body fat percentage and waist circumference.

Fresh Spirulina is a Natural Weight Loss + Weight Control Solution that Has Helped Many
People who took Spirulina daily showed a reduction in appetite, significantly lower BMI and lower triglyceride (fat) and cholesterol levels.
How Does Spirulina Help Weight Loss and Management?
What scientific research tells us about how Spirulina can help weight loss and management:
It's difficult to get all the nutrients we need from healthy eating, and very few of us eat healthy all the time.
Most people are deficient in certain nutrients - this causes body systems to send chemical messages that trigger hunger in the hope of getting missing nutrients.
This hidden hunger can drive food cravings and binge eating.
Daily spirulina provides hundreds of nutrients to satisfy almost every dietary need.
One of the most interesting effects of daily spirulina consumption is the way it shifts the body to burn fat rather than carbs during exercise.
For athletes this allows them to maintain their level of carbs stored in the muscles as glycogen and run races using body fat, then draw on glycogen as a 'reserve tank' when needed for an extra sprint or hill climb or winning finish.
For weight loss, we have seen people on a fresh spirulina diet with 45 minutes of strenuous walking a day lose up to a kilogram per day.
Many scientific studies - some detailed below - confirm that antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and other natural substances in spirulina can significantly reduce blood cholesterol, body fat percent and waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), serum total cholesterol (TC) and appetite, when taken daily.
It can also benefit adherence to restricted calorie diet, management of weight loss and reduction in triglyceride levels.
Weight Loss & Management: Research Index
The world is full of people and companies making unsubstantiated claims to sell weight loss products.
As farmers, we make no such claims.
Rather, we bring you extracts of independent scientific studies that have found clear wight loss benefits from taking daily spirulina.
Each study summary below has a link to the original research which you are welcome to read and draw your own conclusions.

Spirulina for Weight Loss - Independent Research Studies
Effects of Spirulina Supplementation on Obesity
Effects of Spirulina Supplementation on Obesity
A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials concluded that spirulina supplementation significantly reduces body weight, especially in obese individuals.
- Results of 5 studies (7 treatment arms) showed a significant reduction in weight after Spirulina supplementation.
- Weight change in obese subjects was greater than overweight participants.
- Pooled analysis showed that Spirulina supplementation led to a significant reduction in body fat percent and waist circumference.
Spirulina Found Effective in Modulating Body Weight and Appetite
Spirulina Found Effective in Modulating Body Weight and Appetite
This randomized double blinded placebo controlled trial tested the efficacy of spirulina supplementation in the control and prevention of obesity and obesity-related disorders.
- The study determined the effects of Spirulina on anthropometric parameters, serum lipids, appetite and serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in obese individuals.
- Participants taking daily spirulina showed significant reductions in weight and body mass index (BMI), serum total cholesterol (TC), and appetite.
Link to the Research published in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 2017:
Serious Benefits from Spirulina Supplementation for Patients with well-treated Hypertension
This randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study on the impact of daily spirulina supplementation found:
- After three months of Spirulina supplementation, significant decrease in body mass, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference were observed.
- Spirulina significantly lowered low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and interleukin-6 concentration
- Spirulina supplementation considerably improved total antioxidant status (TAS) and insulin sensitivity ratio.
Link to the Research published in European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2017:
Cholesterol Lowering Effect of Spirulina
Cholesterol Lowering Effect of Spirulina
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of Spirulina supplementation on plasma lipid concentrations.
- This meta-analysis showed a significant effect of supplementation with Spirulina in reducing plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and elevating those of HDL cholesterol.
- Spirulina might be a valuable nutraceutical in dyslipidemic patients.
Effects of Spirulina on Body Weight, Blood Pressure in overweight hypertensive Caucasians
Effects of Spirulina on Body Weight, Blood Pressure in overweight hypertensive Caucasians
This double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial showed that three months of daily Spirulina improves BMI and weight and results in improvements in blood pressure and endothelial function.
- 40 patients with hypertension but lacking evidence of cardiovascular disease received daily spirulina or placebo for three months
- The spirulina group showed significant reduction in systolic blood pressure, stiffness index, body mass index and weight.
Link to the Research published in European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2016:
Effects of Spirulina on Weight Loss and Blood Lipids: Research Review
Effects of Spirulina on Weight Loss and Blood Lipids: Research Review
This review of many clinical trials supports the benefits of spirulina for reducing body fat, waist circumference, body mass index and appetite and shows that spirulina has significant benefits for improving blood lipids.
- Overall, the evidence in the literature suggests that spirulina improves several well-established CVD risk factors including hyperlipidaemia and seems to provide benefits around weight loss.
- Supplementing with daily spirulina may improve lipid profiles, aiding weight loss and reducing BMI.
- Spirulina also seems to improve insulin resistance, antioxidant/ anti-inflammatory properties, blood glucose and blood pressure
Spirulina Improves Obesity Related Metabolic Disorders in Obese or Overweight Healthy Individuals
Spirulina effectively improves obesity-related metabolic disorders in obese or overweight healthy individuals: A randomized controlled trial
- Spirulina as a complementary therapy may have beneficial effects on adherence to restricted calorie diet, management of weight loss and also reduction in triglyceride levels.
- Thirty-eight participants completed the intervention. Body weight, waist circumference, body fat and BMI significantly reduced in the SP group compared to the placebo group
Link to the Research published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine Volume 40, 2018:
The lipid-lowering effects of daily Spirulina supplementation in a Cretan Greek population
Dyslipidemia is the imbalance of lipids such as cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein that can result from diet, tobacco exposure, or genetics and can lead to cardiovascular disease with severe complications.
After 3 months of daily spirulina:
- Levels of triglycerides, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, total cholesterol, non-high density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, and the ratio of total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were significantly decreased.
Link to the Research published in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2013: