Complete Natural Nutrition for Optimal Health & Wellness

Fresh Living Spirulina is a powerful functional superfood shown in scientific research to help naturally maintain complete nutrition on vegan and plant-based diets.

Powerful Vegan Nutrition

Spirulina is more complete and nutritionally dense than meat and offers a similar range of vitamins and minerals, plus unique antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and unique healing compounds that help counter ageing and illness.
We do not suggest you rely on Spirulina for protein sufficiency, but it is an ideal natural source of important nutrients β€” including iron β€” and micronutrients.
Daily fresh living Spirulina can help vegan and plant-based eaters to maintain optimal health and immune function and avoid iron deficiency.  

What Scientific Research Tells Us

Fresh living Spirulina is a pure living functional superfood β€” not a supplement β€” with the highest concentration of natural living & bioavailable antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals available.
It contains complete protein (all essential amino acids) plus other important amino acids, as well as omega 3, 6 and GLA fatty acids.
Some of the more exciting recent science on how Spirulina can help boost vegan and plant based nutrition:



Living Spirulina is packed with easily digested and absorbed 'living nutrients' ready for human absorption and use.
Many nutrients stored in fish and  animals β€” for example omega oils β€” originate in Spirulina and other algae.



Living Spirulina is the most nutrient dense and nutrient complete food on earth β€” considerably more so than animal foods.
Almost all nutrients humans need for optimal health are found in living Spirulina.



Living Spirulina developed 3.5 million years ago β€” long before plant cells developed hard cellulose walls. 
Spirulina nutrients are encased in a soft cell wall that quickly releases living nutrients β€”  making them fast-acting and much easier to digest than plant foods.

Iron Deficiency and Anemia

Fresh living Spirulina is one of the best sources of bioavailable iron. 
Our body can assimilate and use around 2% of the iron in spinach, 10% of the iron in supplements, and 90% of the iron in Spirulina.
Forty percent of women and young children and 1/3 of all humans suffer from iron deficiency β€” this can result in poor health, fatigue & exhaustion, inability to cope with stress, and rapid ageing.
Athletes understand the importance of increasing their ferritin (blood iron) levels to increase oxygen delivery to muscles and boost performance.