How to Achieve Complete Healthy Nutrition in a Nutrient-Poor World

Fresh Spirulina Superfood - Nutrients & Dosage

Fresh spirulina provides more than 100 natural nutrients - including protein, amino acids, omega oils, vitamins, fiber, minerals, and trace elements - making it the most complete and nutrient dense functional food on earth.

6 Reasons to Boost Your Health with Fresh Spirulina:

1. Highest Nutrient Bioavailability - Much Smaller Doses

Fresh spirulina nutrients are quickly and almost completely absorbed - much smaller daily doses are required compared to supplements. [HERE'S WHY]

Three reasons why fresh spirulina nutrients are so readily bioavailable:
  • SOFT CELL WALLS - Unlike plants and other algae, fresh spirulina has a soft cell wall that releases nutrients almost instantly to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

  • COMPLETE AND NATURAL - Fresh spirulina nutrients are complete and already incorporated into living cells and ready for your body to use.  
    Synthetic nutrients found in supplements are chemical copies that may be incomplete and difficult for your body to absorb and use.

  • ORGANIC MINERALS - The human body is unable to extract nourishment from inorganic minerals. 
    Fresh spirulina’s minerals are already converted from inorganic (dead minerals) to organic (incorporated into living cells) and ready for your body to absorb and use.
Absorption is so fast that some people experience a β€˜spirulina rush’ as nutrients hit the bloodstream almost instantly.

2. Spirulina is a Foundation Nutrient Ancient Primal Nutrition 

Dinosaurs, fish, birds, reptiles, mammals - even humans evolved to thrive on fresh spirulina. [HERE'S WHY]

Long before plants, fresh spirulina provided the richest and most complete source of nutrition on earth:
  • Spirulina has been at the base of earth’s food chain - providing a foundation for good nutrition - for 3.5 billion years.

  • Spirulina - and other microscopic algae - provided the largest source of nutrition on earth for billions of years.

  • Spirulina microalgae were eaten by larger life forms who were in turn eaten by other life forms - thereby passing its nutrient mix up the food chain.

  • DID YOU KNOW? Fish don't produce Omega Oils - they get it from spirulina and other microalgae and store it in their liver. Fresh spirulina provides pure essential Omegas and is ranked by users as better than fish oil.

  • DID YOU KNOW? Spirulina consumes C02 and produces oxygen 4 times more efficiently than plants and trees. Spirulina and other forms of algae still provide 50% of earth's oxygen.

3. Clean-Farmed Fresh Spirulina - A Safe Choice

Spirulina powder and tablets may be contaminated: [HERE'S WHY]

Research and information from trusted sources:
  • A thousand years ago, spirulina grew naturally in unpolluted lakes, rivers and oceans where it absorbed and provided clean nutrients.

  • Today earth's lakes, rivers oceans and air are polluted by chemicals, toxins and heavy metals.

  • Spirulina has a unique ability to absorb toxins and heavy metals – almost all dried spirulina is grown in open ponds - often in polluted water or sea water where it can absorb both airborne and water-born pollutants.

  • Very little dried spirulina powder or tablets are tested for toxins. Dried green spirulina powder is traded as a commodity and there is no way to know where or how it was grown. 

  • To protect your health from possible contamination avoid dried spirulina. Insist on fresh spirulina that is clean farmed in sealed bioreactors.

4. Fresh Spirulina - Flash Frozen for Maximum Nutrition 

Spirulina powder can lose up to 80% of many nutrients during drying - then lose another 50% in storage before you take them. [HERE'S WHY]

Harvested spirulina microalgae are fragile - their delicate nutrients start to break down within hours of harvest - even when refrigerated.
  • Dried spirulina typically loses up to 80 percent of these delicate nutrients through high-temperature industrial drying - then loses another 50 percent during six months of ambient temperature storage and exposure to light.

  • Flash freezing fresh spirulina within hours of harvest stops nutritional depletion and oxidation to deliver peak nutrition.

  • Insist on clean-farmed never-heated never-dried flash-frozen fresh spirulina to meet all your nutrition needs. 

5. The Nutrients in Supplements Damage Your Health 

Protect Your Health - Take only WCNs and avoid ISNs that can seriously damage your health. [HERE'S WHY]

All earth's creatures - including humans - evolved to feed on whole complex nutrients (WCNs) - our body knows exactly how to absorb and utilise these naturally occurring compounds to function and stay healthy. .
  • Spirulina - and all natural grown foods and superfoods - provide whole complex nutrients. UNDERSTANDING WHOLE COMPLEX NUTRIENTS Natural Vitamin C, for example, is a complex of eight components that work together: Ascorbic Acid, Ascorbigon, Tyrosinase, J factors, K factors, P factors, Rutin and Bioflavonoids – plus associated living active enzymes that combine to provide vitamin C's protective and healing benefits.

  • The human body recognizes natural complex nutrients - they have been our prime source of nutrition for millennia. 

  • Natural complex nutrients only occur in foods and superfoods.

  • Our body is so efficient at utilizing natural complex nutrients that we need only small doses to maintain optimal health (Source).

  • Isolated Synthetic Nutrients (ISN) - used to make supplements - are not natural. They are never found by themselves in nature.

  • ISN are not recognized by your body
  • Taking these isolated nutrients - especially at the ultra-high doses found in supplements today - is more like taking unregulated and uncontrolled drugs.

  • Studies show the body treats these isolated and synthetic nutrients like xenobiotics (foreign substances).
Spirulina provides whole complex natural nutrients.

6. Natural Balance 

Fresh spirulina provides every nutrient your body needs - in exactly the right proportions for optimal health.

Replace all your supplements with fresh spirulina - the most nutritionally dense natural superfood on earth - and enjoy naturally balanced complete nutrition without additives, preservatives, chemicals and dangerously incomplete nutrients.

There are so many misconceptions about modern nutrition - with so many people suffering from hidden malnutrition that drives obesity and disease - that we've created a short educational course:

Fresh Spirulina Nutrients >>>>
   Protein   Aminos   Vitamins   
   Omegas   Minerals   Fiber

Fresh Spirulina Dosage
   Protein   Aminos   Vitamins   
   Omegas   Minerals   Fiber


Fresh Spirulina Nutrients

How complete is fresh spirulina nutrition?
Is it possible to survive eating only fresh spirulina and stay healthy - does it provide all the nutrients we need? 
  • NASA says 1 portion of spirulina is equivalent to 1 000 portions of fresh fruit and greens.

  • Spirulina treatment has been used in dozens of poor countries for 50 years to quickly heal malnourished pregnant women, infants, and children and restores optimal health within 1 or 2 months. 

  • In America fresh spirulina 'fasts' in which participants eat only fresh spirulina for 30-days or even 100 days are gaining popularity as a health rejuvenation therapy. Participants report increased energy, improved mental focus, improved skin and hair, weight loss, feeling and looking better, and vibrant overall health. Learn more about spirulina fasting.
Spirulina - plus water and sunshine - provides all the nutrients you need for optimal health.

Protein in Fresh Spirulina

Spirulina is the highest and most digestible source of protein on earth. (Source).
Here's a comparison of protein content:

Amino Acids in Fresh Spirulina

Fresh spirulina provides 18 organic amino acids (already included in living cells) that can transfer directly into your bloodstream:
All 8 essential amino acids (the ones we need to get from food):
  • ISOLEUCINE (Makes hemoglobin, improves endurance, builds muscle, speeds muscle healing) 

  • LEUCINE (Provides skeletal muscle energy during exercise)
  • LYSINE (Important for proper growth, lowers cholesterol) 

  • METHIONINE (regulates metabolic processes, immune system, digestive functioning) 

  • PHENYLALANINE (Produces norepinephrine, nervous system signaling, alertness) 

  • THREONINE (Collagen and elastin formulation for skin and connective tissue health, stops bleeding, immune booster) 

  • TRYPTOPHAN (Melatonin and serotonin production, DNA production) 

  • VALINE (Enhances energy, boost endurance and muscle tissue recovery and repair) 
Three conditionally essential amino acids:
  • CYSTEINE (for making collagen, nails, skin, and hair health)

  • HISTIDINE (for protein synthesis, regulates sleep-wake cycle and cognitive function)

  • TYROSINE (Important for epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine production)
Seven non-essential amino acids:
  • ALANINE (energy for muscles and central nervous system) 

  • ARGININE (Heart, lung, immune, digestive health and cancer protection) 

  • ASPARTIC ACID (Energy production, healthy nervous system) 

  • GLUTAMIC ACID (Optimal brain communication, learning) 

  • GLYCINE (Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune booster) 

  • PROLINE (Metabolic health, wound healing, antioxidant, immune booster) 

  • SERINE (Protein synthesis, neurotransmission, folate and methionine cycles)

Vitamins in Fresh Spirulina

Natural Vitamins are Superior to Synthetic Ones

Vitamins are organic substances that are essential in small amounts for human health, growth, reproduction, and maintenance. 

They must be included in the diet since they cannot be synthesized at all or in sufficient quantity in the body. 

Each vitamin performs a specific function so one cannot replace another. 

Vitamins originate primarily in plant tissues and we get them from food. 

Synthetic vitamin isolates are not naturally included in the diet, they do not necessarily originate primarily in plant tissues, and have not all been proven to safely and fully replace all natural vitamin activities. 

Synthetic vitamins are not food, even though they are often called β€œnatural” and are sometimes added to foods.

They are synthesized, standardized chemical isolates. 

In nature vitamins are never isolated: they are always present in the form of food vitamin-complexes. 

There are important physiochemical differences between natural vitamins and synthetic ones.

Natural vitamins have no side effects and you cannot overdose on them, while synthetic vitamins have many side effects and taking large doses can hurt your health.

Do not try to trick your body into health by taking chemical copies - always get your vitamins from natural foods. 
Fresh spirulina is a natural food that provides all the vitamins that adults, children, seniors, pregnant moms and babies need for vibrant health.

  • VITAMIN A (Ξ’-Carotene) - Important for vision, immune system, reproduction, growth and development, helps your heart, lungs, and other organs work properly, prevents muscle cramps and spasms, prevents osteoporosis 

  • VITAMIN C COMPLEX – Important to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle and collagen, important antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-ageing, prevents heart disease, vital to wound healing

  • VITAMIN D - Helps absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus for building bone, reduces cancer cell growth, helps heart, lungs, and other organs work properly, helps control infections, reduces inflammation

  • VITAMIN E (Alpha-Tocopherol)– Powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, inhibits platelet aggregation, boosts immune function, coats and lubricates blood vessels, dilates blood vessels and inhibits platelet aggregation

  • VITAMIN K – Helps blood clot, important for bone health, reduces osteoporosis, reduces menstrual flow and pain, regulates blood sugar, relieves nausea during pregnancy, protects immune system, prevents hemorrhage in babies
  • VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine) - Plays critical role in energy metabolism, in the growth, development, and function of cells

  • VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin) - Play major roles in energy production, cellular function, growth, and development; and metabolism of fats, drugs, and steroids

  • VITAMIN B3 (Niacin) – Converted in the body to NAD and NADP – required by all body tissues to catalyse more than 400 enzymes

  • VITAMIN B5 (Pantothenic Acid) - Essential for fatty acid synthesis and degradation, transfer of acetyl and acyl groups, and a multitude of other anabolic and catabolic processes

  • VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine) - Involved in more than 100 enzyme reactions, mostly for protein metabolism, also involved in amino acid metabolism, involved in gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, immune function, promotes lymphocyte and interleukin-2 production and hemoglobin formation

  • VITAMIN B9 (Folic Acid) – Important in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and the metabolism of amino acids, required for proper cell division

  • VITAMIN B12 Complex - Required for the development, myelination, and function of the central nervous system, healthy red blood cell formation, required for the formation of almost 100 different substrates, including DNA, RNA, proteins, and lipids (provides four times higher than raw liver)

Omegas in Fresh Spirulina

Spirulina is the richest food source of omega fatty acids β€” provided in a ratio of 1.5:1. The ideal ratio for human health is between 1:1 to 2:1 omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids. 

Spirulina is a rich source of very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLCPUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) are the two most important long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids required for human health, and their precursors stearic acid, linoleic acid, and gamma linolenic acid are found in high concentrations in Spirulina. 

It provides clean omega-6 - Ξ³-linolenic acid and arachidonic acid - and omega-3 fatty acids - EPA and DHA - in the ideal 1.5 to 1.0 ratio.

Spirulina platensis is a rich source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA) – it is the richest source of GLA on earth after breast milk - and provides small amounts of Omega 9.
Spirulina is the only food source that contains large amounts of essential fatty acids, especially Ξ³-linolenic acid, which is an omega-6 type that helps regulate all hormones and has anti-inflammatory properties. 

Breast milk is the only other food source that contains such large amounts of essential fatty acids.


Fish do not make omega fatty acids but rather store omegas that come from spirulina and other microalgae. The DHA and EPA present in fish, fish oils, and krill oils, are synthesized by microalgae.

When fish consume phytoplankton that consumed microalgae, they accumulate the omega oils in their tissues [Source].

Sadly, fish absorb high levels of toxins and heavy metals from the ocean – especially lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, zinc, manganese, and nickel – which can contaminate omega oils extracted from fish.

Fish do not make omega fatty acids but rather store omegas that come from spirulina and other microalgae. DHA and EPA are present in fish, fish oils, and krill oils, but they are originally synthesized by microalgae, not by fish. When fish consume phytoplankton that consumed microalgae, they accumulate the omega-3s in their tissues.

Fish oils are tainted with mercury and other heavy metals and toxins from the ocean.


Fish Oil is rated 5.8 out of 10 with 31% of reviewers reporting a negative effect.

Spirulina is rated 9.0 out of 10 with 100% of reviewers reporting a positive effect. 

Minerals in Fresh Spirulina

Spirulina contains all the necessary minerals and is the best source of iron on earth.

Minerals are vital components of our food. They fulfil a wide variety of functions, such as providing building materials for our bones, optimizing our immune function, maintaining good muscle and nerve function, and regulating the body's water balance. They are important components of our hormones, enzymes, and other biologically active compounds.


It is important to understand the difference between these as this defines their nutrient value:
    We get organic minerals from natural food – they are readily absorbed by our body.
    Already incorporated into living cells, when absorbed they are complexed with carbon-containing organic agents like amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates, and are called complexed minerals.

    Inorganic minerals have never been part of a living cell - they have not bonded with carbon.
    Our body cannot absorb them until they have been converted into organic minerals by plants through photosynthesis.
    Soil contains 16 inorganic minerals, but our body cannot absorb them.

    These are inorganic minerals that are synthetically bound with a chelating agent, such as synthetic organic or amino acids, to increase absorption.
    Found in supplements, these minerals are not as readily absorbed as organic minerals and there are serious questions about their efficacy and safety.
    They are not recommended except in isolated cases where increased levels of a particular mineral are required and cannot be supplied by available foods.

The concentration of minerals in whole foods has decreased steadily over the last century, making it increasingly difficult to achieve the full benefit of minerals from regular food.

Increased mineral intake may be required to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, during illness and recovery, pregnancy, for babies and children, and in over-60's.

Fresh spirulina superfood is an excellent source of important organic minerals including potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, selenium, sodium, boron, molybdenum, and zinc.

It also provides traces of more than 50 micronutrients that promote health.

Spirulina is far more efficient at photosynthesis than plants which means it provides a higher concentration of minerals than plants and plant-eating foods can can supply.

The organic minerals in spirulina are extremely bioavailable due to spirulina's soft cell wall that readily releases nutrients for direct absorption into the bloodstream.

Organic minerals in plant cells and other microalgae are encased in hard cellulose (wood) cell walls that our stomachs cannot digest, resulting in generally low bioavailability.

Synthetically modified inorganic minerals in supplements are even less bioavailable.
Iron is one of the most necessary minerals for good health β€” and one of the most difficult difficult to get enough of.

One-third of all humans and 40% of young children and women suffer from iron deficiency which causes a host of serious and debilitating symptoms and conditions.

Most Iron supplements are only 5 to 10% bioavailable. That means 90% exits the body into the sewers. 

Fresh living Spirulina is rich in organic Iron, of which around 90% is quickly absorbed and used by the body.

Spirulina's iron availability is around 58 higher than spinach and 18 times higher than meat. (Source)

Dietary Fiber in Fresh Spirulina

Fiber intake is important for overall metabolic health and correlates directly with lifespan and mortality – it boosts gut microbiome health, helps regulate appetite, and can reduce chronic inflammation. 

Low fiber intake can drive cardiovascular disease, colonic health problems, constipation, and colorectal cancer.

Most South Africans don’t get enough dietary fiber – largely due to eating processed and ultra-processed foods.


Dietary fiber from spirulina has been found by research scientists to be of high nutritional importance.

Spirulina fiber and polysaccharides of fibrous nature provide higher levels of fiber than terrestrial plants or vegetables.

Spirulina provides 25% soluble and 75% insoluble dietary fiber – both important for optimal gut and microbiome health.

SPRU Fresh Spirulina Daily Dosage


Fresh spirulina is a functional food – both a food and a medicine.

That means you cannot take too much - if fact many people eat only fresh spirulina for 100 days and show significant health improvements as it provides complete nutrition.

Find your daily dosage, learn how to get started for best results, and read about why you can stop taking supplements.

  • Science confirms that adults and children need 5 portions of fruit and veg every day to support complete healthy nutrition and achieve:
  • Abundant Energy
  • Mental Focus
  • Peak Performance
  • Strong Immunity
  • Healthy Growth
  • Graceful Ageing
According to NASA (who use spiulina as astronaut food and plan to grow it on the moon, spacecraft and other planets), live spirulina portions provide the following fresh fruit and veg nutrient equivalents:
  • 1 x SP-1 Stix = 2.5 portions fresh fruit & veg 
  • 1 x SPRU Shot is SP-1.5 = 3.75 portions fresh fruit & veg
  • 1 x SP-2 Stix = 5 portions fresh fruit & veg
  • 1 x SP-3 Stix = 7.5 portions fresh fruit & veg
(Spirulina portions are measured in SP units, so SP-1 = 1 spirulina portion.)

  • The rule of 5 assumes you are 'eating the rainbow' constantly varying your fruit and veg intake to get different nutrients. As live spirulina provides them all even one portion a day can help provide complete nutrition.
  • If you eat 2-3 portions of junk or processed food a week that's replacing the fruit & veg so increase your live spirulina dosage.
  • If you're stressed, an athlete, or sick or recovering - or have difficulty esating healthy increase your daily dose of live spirulina.


Find your suggested fresh spirulina portion below. 
If you have questions please chat with us on WhatsApp (below right).



  • Ready to drink spirulina and slow-pressed fruit juice shots 
  • No added sugars, stabilizers, preservatives, colouring or other nasties.
  • Sold frozen in 6-Packs
DOSAGE: SP-1.5 (one and a half fresh spirulina portions per shot) 


  • Pure fresh spirulina cubes to slip into a juice bottle or add to your smoothie
  • Sold in 30-Packs
DOSAGE: Available in SP-1, SP-2 and SP-3 (single, double or triple fresh spirulina portions) 
SP-1, SP-2 and SP-3 STIX are the same size but contain different amounts of spirulina.


Click on headings to learn more.

Can Fresh Spirulina Really Replace All My Supplements?

When you start taking fresh spirulina stop taking ALL your supplements.
Fresh spirulina provides hundreds of powerful natural nutrients β€” protein, amino acids, omega fatty acids, vitamins, active enzymes, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, minerals, trace elements, bioactive and healing substances β€” a wellness powerhouse beyond the ability of supplements.
Don’t believe us? Listen to your body β€” after 2 or 3 weeks, if you feel the need for any specific supplement, try starting that one again and see if it makes any difference to how you feel.
Most SPRU customers never take supplements again.


When starting with fresh spirulina, choose your daily dose β€” then double or triple it for 2 to 3 weeks.
This will help fill and eliminate nutrient deficiencies you may not be aware of, and also allow the healing and prevention spirulina compounds to do their work and boost wellness across all your body systems.
Listen carefully to your body and pay attention to your mental and physical wellbeing, energy levels and more.
After this time, slowly drop back to the dose you selected while paying attention to how you look and feel.
Your body will tell you what the correct dosage is for you.


A fresh spirulina fast is a terrific way to improve your health and get started with your fresh spirulina regime.
There are a selection of great fasts to choose from: 
If you don't find the fast you're looking for please reach out β€” we'll be happy to help you create the fast you want.


There is no known maximum dosage for fresh spirulina.
In the United States 10 to 30-day fresh spirulina fasts β€” during which participants take large SP-30 daily doses of fresh living spirulina and water β€” are gaining in popularity. 
Some devotees eat only fresh spirulina for 100 days at a time and are found on medical inspection to be healthier afterwards than before - reporting dramatic health improvements including blood sugar stabilization, decreased visceral fat , muscle increase, iron increase, and consistent water content increase.


After a few weeks on your chosen dosage you’ll know when to vary your dosage depending on how you feel and your plans for the day and week ahead.
You may want to increase your dosage: 
 - When you need extra energy
 - If you feel the beginnings of a cold, flu, herpes outbreak or other illness
 - When you have a mentally stressful period, or late nights ahead
 - Before and after unusual physical or athletic performance
 - Before and after a late night or heavy alcohol intake
 - When suffering from and recovering from an illness


The dosage guidelines on this page may be varied considerably if you are fighting β€” or recovering from β€” a serious illness or medical condition.
Eating disorders β€” or any problem that prevents you from getting sufficient nutrition β€” may also require different doses.
We provide dosage guidance, but the best strategy is to remember that fresh spirulina is a powerful natural superfood that packs both nutritional and healing properties. Listen closely to your body and monitor any changes carefully. 
Fresh spirulina is a new food with only a decade of use β€” from our experience it provides far more powerful results than reported in the thousands of research articles about dry spirulina. 
We are not medical professionals and cannot provide fresh spirulina prescriptions or definitive dosage advice, but we do our best to pass on feedback from users and refer you to scientific research that may provide useful information.
You are welcome to contact SPRU at any time if you have questions using the chat widget bottom right.
We're especially interested to hear about your experience with fresh living spirulina β€” please share it with us to make it available to others looking for information. 


There is no single best time to take your daily fresh spirulina.
Experiment to find the best dosage and SPRU times for your body.
There’s no need to take your daily dose all at once β€” you can split your dosage over the course of the day.
Most people prefer to enjoy spirulina first thing in the morning, while others divide their dosage or prefer early afternoon for an energy boost, or take it before and/or after a workout.
Some people experience an energy surge β€” a spirulina rush β€” if that’s you, avoid taking SPRU after late afternoon as you may be too energized to sleep.
Remember, you can:
 - Buy SPRU products in SP-1 up to SP-3 dosage
 - Combine SPRU products to create a larger dosage
 - Split your dosage to enjoy at different times of the day
 - Double or triple your dose for the first 2 weeks (see GETTING STARTED above)
 - Vary your dosage according to how you feel and the demands of your day
 - Safely take up to SP-30 a day


People often ask how much of a particular nutrient is in a fresh spirulina dose.
Nutrient tables on supplements do not take into account the nutrient's bioavailability.
Bioavailability is a measure of the usefulness of the nutrient β€” how much your body can actually absorb and use.
Bioavailability is a function of
 - whether the nutrient is in an inorganic (useless to your living cells before conversion) or organic state (ready for human body use): all fresh spirulina nutrients are already in a living cell and ready for use by the human body
 - the absorptivity of the nutrient β€” how and where it is delivered to your body: spirulina nutrients are housed in a gel cell wall that releases them instantly to be absorbed through the stomach wall into your blood, while chemical supplements must first dissolve their carrier powders and linings and may pass through your body unabsorbed (plant nutrients are enclosed in hard cellulose cell walls that our stomach cannot dissolve)
The bioavailability of iron sources makes a good example as the majority of the world population suffers from iron deficiency:
 - spinach (famous for providing iron) has a bioavailability of around 4%
 - iron supplements provide between 9 and 14% bioavailability
 - spirulina (natures richest source of organic iron) provides a massive 94% bioavailability
Taking a supplement purporting to provide 1000 units of iron may only provide only 90 to 140 units of iron.
The only way to truly know what level of a nutrient you are getting is to measure it in your blood, take the nutrient for a month or longer, then measure its level in your blood again.
This is the basis of spirulina research β€” more than 200 independent research studies on this website have slected a group of people with a similar health problem, treated them with a dose of spirulina for a period of time, and carefully measured the before and after changes.
As you will see as you review the research, spirulina provides astonishingly positive results β€” in spite of the researchers having used DRIED spirulina (fresh spirulina has only become available in the past 5 years).
Fresh spirulina - never heated, never dried - provides up to 8 times more nutrients and up to 20 times more antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, active enzymes, and healing bioactive compounds than found in dried spirulina powder or tablets.
Almost any dose of fresh spirulina will provide more benefits than shown in most of the above research studies that have been conducted with dried spirulina.


Dried spirulina sold as powder or tablet supplements is heated to very high temperature during the drying process β€” this damages or destroys active enzymes, omegas, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, healing compounds and many of the vitamins.  
Dried spirulina stored unchilled and in light can lose a further 50% of its nutrients within six months of manufacture. 
Fresh spirulina - never heated, never dried - provides up to 8 times more nutrients and up to 20 times more antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, active enzymes, and bioactive compounds than found in dried spirulina powder or tablets.
SPRU fresh spirulina is frozen hours after harvest to capture and maintain the highest nutrient levels possible.
It continues to amaze us that tens of thousands of research done with dried spirulina managed to achieve such excellent results.
It's little wonder that fresh spirulina users report dramatic health improvements. 

SPRU Fresh Spirulina Daily Dosage


Don't confuse fresh spirulina – a natural living micro-algae that’s easy to digest and absorb and provides almost every nutrient your body needs to thrive – with dried spirulina powder or tablets.
Dried spirulina – some scientists regard it as fresh spirulina ash – loses much nutrient value (up to 95% of some important nutrients) during high temperature industrial drying and can lose a further 50% in a few months due to non-refrigerated storage.
Insist on fresh living spirulina that has been frozen after harvest to retain maximum nutrient levels and freshness.