Fresh Spirulina for Brain Health, Improved Memory and Mental Performance
The natural way to boost brain health, memory and performance and protect your brain against ageing and disease.
Independent Research: Spirulina for Brain Health, Memory and Mental Performance
In this research dried spirulina shows spectacular results in improving mental health and performance.
Remember that fresh spirulina provides up to 20 times more of the active substances than found in the dried spirulina powder or tablets used in these research studies.
Click on any research heading to see a summary + a link to the original research.
Research Review: Spirulina to Prevent and Treat Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis - 2022
Research: Spirulina Counters Aging, Loss of Brain Performance, Improves Lifespan in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington, ALS - 2018
Inflammation and oxidative stress are the leading factors responsible for aging and loss of brain performance.
Aging and neurodegeneration cause a decline in human antioxidant and anti-inflammatory defense mechanisms that makes the brain more susceptible to the damaging effects of oxidative stress.
Most neurological disorders - AD, PD, HD, ALS, Inflammatory Injuries, and Senility - result from oxidation and/or inflammation. Spirulina protects the central nervous system reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.
Spirulina treatment also improves life span, increases motor control, increases cerebellar glutathione levels, reduces malondialdehyde levels, decreases pro-inflammatory cytokines and improves spatial and motor learning.
See the research: Frontiers of Neuroscience 2018 (PubMed)
Research: Mental Performance: 8% Increase in IQ Test Score in Schoolgirls 7 to 9 Years Old After 2 months Spirulina Treatment
In a research study involving 60 schoolgirls aged 7 to 9 years old, students taking spirulina experienced an 8% increase in IQ test score, a 7% increase in hemoglobin, a 12% increase in serum protein, and a 58% increase in serum retinol after dried spirulina treatment on weekdays for 2 months.
The dramatic increase in serum retinol indicates better eye health and vision development.
See the research: The Journal of Human Ecology
Research: Student Academic Performance Increased by 12% after 60 Days Spirulina Treatment
Research: Spirulina Reduces Mental Fatigue and Risk of Stroke, and Improves Brain Development and Motor and Language Skills - 2021
A wide range of spirulina component compounds have been identified that work in different ways to improve brain health.
These include B Vitamins, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), other amino acids, GLA, Phytoderivates including Carotenoids Beta-carotene and Zeaxanthin, Phycocyanins (C-Phycocyanin), and Superoxide Dismutase.
Spirulina benefits identified to date through research include:
- Reduction of oxidative stress biomarkers and caspase-3
- Reduction of inflammation
- Improvement of neurological deficit
- Improvement in histopathological signs
- Improvement in memory dysfunctions and amyloid-β deposition
- Improvement in neuroprotection
- Reduction of microglial activation
- Improvement of cognitive dysfunctions
- Improvement of learning and memory and dysfunctions
- Improvement of locomotor activity
- Improvement in neurotrophic signaling in hippocampal injury
- Improvement of histological condition of brain and cerebellum
- Improvement of visual functions and retinal damages
- Protection from astrogliosis
- Maintenance of neuronal progenitor cells proliferation
- Detoxification from manganese-induced neurotoxicity
- Improvement of biochemical, molecular and morphological alterations in the amygdala
- Restoration of hippocampal cellular damage after protein malnutrition
Important beneficial results from direct and indirect clinical application of spirulina on brain health include have been shown through research to include:
- Reducing oxidative stress and inflammation to reduce ageing-related brain deterioration
- Reducing mental fatigue
- Reducing blood pressure in hypertensive individuals
- Improving motor, language and social skills development in infants
See the research: Journal of Marine Drugs 2021 (PubMed)
Research: Spirulina Reduces Mental Fatigue in Men after 4 hours. Results Persist after 8 Weeks - 2016
Research: Spirulina Prevents and Treats Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, ADD/ADHD, Eating and Anxiety Disorders, Autism, and Substance Abuse Disorder - 2018
See the research: Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health 2018