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Fresh Spirulina Displays Five Times Greater Antioxidant Activity than Dried Spirulina


Independent research compared levels of bioactive antioxidant compounds in fresh and dried Spirulina. The antioxidant ability to scavenge free radicals was measured to be 4.95 times higher in fresh spirulina compared to dried spirulina.

Bioactive compounds that act as natural antioxidants - such as flavonoid and phenolic compounds in spirulina - are considered safer and more accepted than synthetic antioxidants.

The aims of the study was to compare levels of bioactive compounds in fresh and dried forms of Spirulina.

In three different types of tests, the total flavonoid compounds were measured to be 5.15, 3.29, and 4.22 times higher in fresh spirulina compared to dried.

In three different types of phytochemical screening tests, the total phenolic compounds were measured to be 3.94, 1.87, and 1.18 times higher in fresh spirulina compared to dried.


The antioxidant ability to scavenge free radicals was measured to be 4.95 times higher in fresh spirulina compared to dried spirulina. 


Fresh Spirulina was found to have higher bioactive compound levels quantitatively and qualitatively compared to that of dried spirulina. 

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Comparative Study of Bioactive Substances Extracted from Fresh and Dried Spirulina
Procedia Environmental Sciences 2015

Curated by Spiruliving Institute

Curated by Spiruliving Institute

Spiruliving Institute is a not for profit dedicated to increasing awareness of the benefits of fresh (never dried) spirulina by curating independent research and making such research available to the public.