
Phycocyanin from Spirulina Shown to Kill Dangerous Histiocytic Sarcoma Cancer in Days


Histiocytic sarcoma is difficult to treat and extremely dangerous. Histiocytic cancer can spread to the abdomen, bone, brain, gastrointestinal tract, liver, lung, lymph nodes, marrow, spinal cord, spleen, uterus and cause meningitis. Phycocyanin from spirulina was shown to kill histiocytic cancer cells in hours. 

Histiocytic sarcoma is a rare and difficult to treat cancer that is extremely dangerous. 

Histiocytic sarcoma arises in the subcutis, with invasion to adjacent tissues and metastases to one or more distant sites (including the lungs, liver, bone marrow, uterus, lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract, soft tissues, and the spleen and other abdominal organs). 

Histiocytic sarcomas can involve any site within the central nervous system, including the brain parenchyma, spinal cord, and meninges.



Untreated, the clinical course of disseminated histiocytic sarcoma is rapid and fatal. 

Localized histiocytic sarcoma is sometimes more slowly progressive, but can be extremely painful and cause a poor quality of life.

Overall, response rates to treatment are poor and survival times are short (3-4 months).



Independent research into the effect of phycocyanin on a AK-5 histiocytic tumor line showed phycocyanin-induced apoptotic death in AK-5 cells starting just 12 hours after treatment.

Results from the study:

phycocyanin from spirulina shown to kill histiocytic carcinoma cells in hours



The results of this independent research were fast and dramatic.

Phycocyanin from spirulina is the only treatment known to counter histiocytic sarcoma through rapid cell apoptosis.

Further research has not been conducted as this is a rare cancer and spirulina phycocyanin is a natural and economic substance that would be difficult to patent as a high-profit drug. 



Phycocyanin-mediated apoptosis in AK-5 tumor cells involves down-regulation of Bcl-2 and generation of ROS

Study by Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, submitted to the American Association for Cancer Research



Curated by Spiruliving Institute

Curated by Spiruliving Institute

Spiruliving Institute is a non-profit dedicated to building awareness of the benefits of fresh and fresh-frozen (never dried) spirulina for cancer prevention, as an alternative and/or complementary treatment, and as a functional treatment for cancer survivors to boost health and prevent cancer recurrence. We curate independent research and make it available to the public.